Sunday, September 7, 2008

Top Ten World Issues

#10 Poverty-Due to an increase in High School dropout rates, many people around the world are not maintaining jobs to support themselves or family. This causes the government to fix the problem and puts that in debt.
#09 Education-More High Schoolers are dropping out of school now that last year, this will cause an increase in unemployment not only in the U.S, but in China and other countries as well.
#08 Drugs/Narcotics- This is a huge problem everywhere in the world, it will always be there and cannot be solved, as long as drugs exist, people will continue to use them.
#07 Human Population- Many places in the world have an overcrowding due to an increase in babies for the past several years. If this goes unfixed, humans may need to find a new place to live.
#06 The Media-Does not focus enough on important things instead of Paris Hilton and Brittany Spears.
#05 Tibet-I personally think that what China is doing to Tibet is wrong and that is just my opinion.
#04 China-Another big threat to the world...these people are crazy.
#03 HIV/AIDS-This is killing more people daily than were killed in the Civil War! This is a huge issue that can potentially affect everybody you care about including yourself. There should be huge efforts to find a cure for it.
#02 Terrorism-The Twin Towers were knocked down and killed many people because of Osama bin Laden and to know that he hasn't been caught just sickens me.
#01 Iran-I think that Iran is the biggest threat to the world right now because they have the capability of a nuclear weapon and seeing as that they aren't too fond of Israel or USA I think it is the biggest world issue in the world.

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